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So you want a new processor. The bad news is, you’ll probably need a new motherboard (and maybe RAM) to go along with it. The worse news is that it’s a real pain to replace all of that hardware.

因此,您需要一个新的处理器。 坏消息是,您可能需要一个新的主板(也许还有RAM)来配合使用。 更糟糕的消息是,更换所有这些硬件确实很痛苦。

But before you replace either piece, you’ll need to select the correct hardware for the replacement. If you’re motherboard or CPU is just malfunctioning, you can just do a straight swap by installing the same model. If you’re looking to upgrade, though, you’ll need to do a bit of research first.

但是在更换任何一块之前,您需要选择正确的硬件进行更换。 如果您的主板或CPU只是发生故障,则可以通过安装相同型号进行直接交换。 但是,如果您要升级,则需要首先进行一些研究。

选择新的处理器和主板组合 (Picking Your New Processor And Motherboard Combo)

If you want a more powerful processor, you’ll have to make sure that you have the right motherboard to support it. And since the motherboard connects to pretty much every other piece of hardware in your desktop, that’s no small matter. Go through the list in order to check all of your hardware for compatibility—if you see discrepancies, you might need to replace those pieces, too.

如果您需要功能更强大的处理器,则必须确保您拥有支持它的正确主板。 而且,由于主板几乎可以连接到台式机中的所有其他硬件,因此这并不是一件小事。 浏览列表以检查所有硬件的兼容性-如果发现差异,则可能也需要更换这些零件。

我要哪个处理器? (Which Processor Do I Want?)

This is a complex question, and probably more than we can explain in this guide. Generally, faster processors and more processing cores means better performance and higher prices. But due to the complexity of CPU designs, it’s not quite so cut-and-dry: processors clocked at similar speeds but with different architecture might have wildly different performance.

这是一个复杂的问题,可能比我们在本指南中可以解释的更多。 通常,更快的处理器和更多的处理内核意味着更好的性能和更高的价格。 但是由于CPU设计的复杂性,它并不是一成不变的:时钟频率相似但架构不同的处理器可能会有截然不同的性能。

The Core i5 is a favorite mid-range choice among gamers.
Core i5是游戏玩家最喜欢的中档选择。

If you can afford it, you want to select the CPUs from the latest generation—they tend to be refreshed on a cycle slightly less than once a year. On the Intel side, Core i5 processors are a good balance between cost and performance; it’s more than enough for most demanding PC games, for example. are higher-end for performance enthusiasts or workstation machines, while Core i3, Pentium, and Celeron chips are for budget builds.

如果负担得起,则希望从最新一代的CPU中进行选择-它们的更新周期通常每年少于一次。 在英特尔方面,Core i5处理器在成本和性能之间取得了很好的平衡。 例如,对于大多数要求苛刻的PC游戏来说,这已经绰绰有余了。 是性能发烧友或工作站机器的高端产品,而Core i3,Pentium和Celeron芯片则是预算有限的产品。

AMD’s Ryzen 5 and 7 chips are solid budget-friendly picks.
AMD的Ryzen 5和7芯片是预算友好的可靠选择。

On the AMD side, offers a surprising range of performance and prices. The Ryzen 3 and Ryzen 5 families are good middle-of-the-road picks, some of which offer integrated Radeon graphics for mid-range gaming capabilities without a separate graphics card. Ryzen 7 and the top-tier Ryzen Threadripper series are for performance junkies.

在AMD方面, 提供了令人惊讶的性能和价格范围。 Ryzen 3和Ryzen 5系列是不错的入门产品,其中一些提供集成的Radeon图形以实现中档游戏功能,而无需单独的图形卡。 Ryzen 7和顶级Ryzen Threadripper系列适用于性能迷。

我需要什么插座? (What Socket Do I Need?)

The “socket” is the part of the motherboard that holds the CPU in place and connects it with the other electronic components in the PC. Each socket generation supports a few dozen different models of CPU; they generally last a few years before they’re upgraded by the manufacturer. So, if your computer is only a few years old, you might be able to upgrade to a more powerful CPU that uses the same socket. Of course, you’ll still need to check the specs for your motherboard. Just because it has the right socket doesn’t mean every CPU that can fit into that socket is supported.

“插槽”是主板上固定CPU并将其与PC中其他电子组件连接的部分。 每个套接字一代都支持几十种不同型号的CPU。 它们通常需要持续几年才能被制造商升级。 因此,如果您的计算机只有几年的历史,则可以升级到使用相同插槽的功能更强大的CPU。 当然,您仍然需要检查主板的规格。 仅仅因为它具有正确的插槽,并不意味着支持所有适合该插槽的CPU。

If you’re using an older PC and you want a big performance boost, you’re looking at upgrading both the CPU and the motherboard—and maybe your RAM, as well.


The first compatibility check for the CPU socket is the brand. The two companies providing nearly the total consumer market for CPUs are AMD and Intel. Intel is the clear market leader, but AMD tends to offer similar performance at slightly lower price levels.

CPU插槽的第一个兼容性检查是品牌。 提供CPU几乎整个消费市场的两家公司是AMD和Intel。 英特尔是明显的市场领导者,但是AMD倾向于以略低的价格提供类似的性能。

Intel’s consumer sockets from the last few years include the following:


  • LGA-1155: Supports Intel processors from 2011 to 2012

  • LGA-1150: Supports Intel processors from 2013 to 2015

  • LGA-1151: Supports Intel processors from 2016 to the time of writing.

  • LGA-2066: Supports the new X-series processors, only available on high-end motherboards


AMD’s recent socket lines are as follows:


  • AM3: Supports AMD processors from 2009 to 2011.

  • AM3+: Supports AMD processors from 2011 to 2016. Some Older AM3 motherboards can be upgraded to AM3+ support with a BIOS update.

    AM3 +:从2011年到2016年支持AMD处理器。一些较旧的AM3主板可以通过BIOS更新升级为AM3 +支持。
  • AM4: Supports AMD processors from 2016 to the time of writing.

  • FMI: Supports AMD APU processors from 2011.

    FMI:从2011年开始支持AMD APU处理器。
  • FM2: Supports AMD APU processors from 2012 to 2013.

    FM2:从2012年到2013年支持AMD APU处理器。
  • FM2+: Supports AMD APU processor from 2015 to 2015.

    FM2 +:从2015年到2015年支持AMD APU处理器。
  • TR4: Supports AMD’s high-end Threadripper chips from 2017 to the time of writing.


我的主板应该是多大? (What Size Should My Motherboard Be?)

The size of the motherboard depends mostly upon your case. If you use a standard ATX mid-tower case, you’ll want a full-sized ATX motherboard. If you use a compact case, , you’ll want the corresponding Micro-ATX or Mini-ITX motherboard. Simple, right?

主板的大小主要取决于您的机箱。 如果使用标准的ATX中塔机箱,则需要全尺寸的ATX主板。 如果使用小型机箱, ,则需要相应的Micro-ATX或Mini-ITX主板。 简单吧?

No matter what size your case is, you can probably find a motherboard that fits its dimensions and your needs. For example, there are plenty of Mini-ITX motherboards that support high-end graphics cards and lots of RAM. You’re really only limited by your budget here.

无论您的机箱大小如何,都可以找到适合其尺寸和需求的主板。 例如,有很多Mini-ITX主板支持高端图形卡和大量RAM。 您实际上仅受此处预算的限制。

A standard ATX motherboard in an ATX case.

There’s no reason to go for a smaller motherboard if your case can fit a larger one, since the smaller designs tend to be more expensive with the same capabilities. But if for some reason you find a smaller one that you want, like you’re moving to a new case or you plan to go for a more compact build in the future, you’re covered. Modern cases include plenty of mounting spots for motherboards that are smaller than their maximum size.

如果您的机箱可以容纳较大的机箱,则没有理由选择较小的主板,因为具有相同功能的较小设计往往更昂贵。 但是,如果由于某种原因而找到了想要的更小巧的东西,比如您打算搬到新的机箱,或者您打算将来使用更紧凑的版本,那么您就可以了。 现代情况下,有很多主板安装位置小于最大尺寸。

我需要什么RAM? (What RAM Do I Need?)

Your motherboard’s RAM support depends on which CPU and socket it’s designed to accept. Motherboards can only support one generation of desktop RAM, since they’re physically incompatible with each other. Most new motherboards will support DDR4, but a few from the last few years go for the older, cheaper DDR3.

主板对RAM的支持取决于设计要接受的CPU和插槽。 主板在物理上彼此不兼容,因此只能支持一代台式机RAM。 大多数新主板将支持DDR4,但过去几年中的一些主板则用于较老的,更便宜的DDR3。

Motherboards also have maximum RAM capacities and speeds. So if you’re replacing your motherboard and you want to keep your current RAM, make sure it’s compatible with both the type and the amount of RAM you’re using. Also remember that the maximum RAM capacity assumes that every DIMM slot is filled. So a full-sized motherboard with four slots and a 32GB maximum capacity can accept 8GB of RAM per slot, but a smaller motherboard with only two slots and the same maximum will need 16GB of RAM in each slot to reach it. Of course, you can go for lower RAM capacities to save some money (and ).

主板还具有最大的RAM容量和速度。 因此,如果要更换主板,并且要保留当前的RAM,请确保它与所用RAM的类型和数量都兼容。 还请记住,最大RAM容量假定每个DIMM插槽都已装满。 因此,具有四个插槽且最大容量为32GB的全尺寸主板可以接受每个插槽8GB的RAM,但是只有两个插槽且最大容量相同的较小型主板,每个插槽都需要16GB的RAM才能到达。 当然,您可以选择较低的RAM容量以节省一些钱(并且 )。

Almost all desktops PCs use desktop-sized RAM modules. A few of the smaller motherboard models on the Mini-ITX standard will use the smaller laptop RAM modules instead.

几乎所有台式机PC都使用台式机大小的RAM模块。 Mini-ITX标准上的一些较小的主板型号将改用较小的笔记本电脑RAM模块。

我需要哪些扩展插槽和端口? (What Expansion Slots And Ports Do I Need?)

If you’re a gamer, you’re going to want at least one PCI-Express slot at the full size and the fastest x16 capacity. This is for your graphics card. Multi-GPU setups are rare these days, but obviously if you have more than one card, you’ll need multiple PCI-E slots to support them. The different multi-card systems (SLI and Crossfire) also require specific support for their standards from the motherboard manufacturer.

如果您是游戏玩家,则需要至少一个全尺寸和最快的x16容量的PCI-Express插槽。 这是为您的图形卡。 如今,多GPU设置很少见,但是显然,如果您拥有一张以上的卡,则需要多个PCI-E插槽来支持它们。 不同的多卡系统(SLI和Crossfire)也需要主板制造商对其标准提供特定的支持。

Other expansion slots can be used for more general applications, like Wi-Fi cards, sound cards, extra USB slots, and so on. What you need depends on what your current system uses, and what you want. To cover yourself at a minimum, make sure that any hardware installed on your current system has a place to go on your new motherboard.

其他扩展插槽可用于更一般的应用,例如Wi-Fi卡,声卡,额外的USB插槽等。 您需要的内容取决于当前系统使用的内容以及所需的内容。 为了至少覆盖自己,请确保当前系统上安装的所有硬件都可以放置在新主板上。

That said, take a look at what’s built in to the new motherboard you’re considering. If your old PC has a separate sound card and Wi-Fi card, but the new motherboard has those features built in, you might not need the extra slots for them.

也就是说,请查看您要考虑的新主板内置的功能。 如果您的旧PC带有单独的声卡和Wi-Fi卡,但是新主板内置了这些功能,则可能不需要额外的插槽。

PCI-Express and standard PCI cards come in different sizes and speeds, which don’t necessarily correspond to one another. and figure out what you’ll need.

PCI-Express和标准PCI卡具有不同的大小和速度,不一定彼此对应。 并弄清楚您需要什么。

allows for high-density, high-speed solid state storage drives to be mounted directly to the motherboard, without plugging in a conventional hard drive or SSD. If you’re not using an M.2 drive right now, you don’t necessarily need that feature on your new motherboard, but it’s a nice perk if you plan to upgrade.

允许将高密度,高速固态存储驱动器直接安装到主板上,而无需插入传统的硬盘驱动器或SSD。 如果您现在不使用M.2驱动器,则不一定需要在新主板上使用该功能,但是如果您打算升级,这将是一个不错的选择。

Other motherboard hardware is dependent on either the components that you currently have, or the ones you want. You’ll need to make sure that there are enough SATA slots for all of your storage and disc drives, and there generally are on most motherboards. You’ll need to have a video port on the main motherboard input/output plate that’s compatible with your monitor, if you’re not using a discrete graphics card. You’ll need enough USB ports for all your accessories, an Ethernet port if you won’t be using Wi-Fi, and so on. Use common sense here and you’ll be covered.

其他主板硬件取决于您当前拥有的组件或所需的组件。 您需要确保所有存储和磁盘驱动器都有足够的SATA插槽,并且大多数主板上通常都有。 如果您不使用独立显卡,则需要在主主板输入/输出板上具有与显示器兼容的视频端口。 您将需要足够的USB端口用于所有附件,如果您不使用Wi-Fi,则需要一个以太网端口,等等。 在这里使用常识,您将被覆盖。

那我的电源呢? (What About My Power Supply?)

Good question. If the processor you’re upgrading to requires significantly more power than your current system uses, .

好问题。 如果您要升级到的处理器比当前系统使用的功率大得多,则 。

There are two more variables to consider here: the main motherboard power cable and the CPU power cable. Motherboard power cables come in 20 pin and 24 pin varieties. Most modern power supplies have a cable that terminates in a 20 pin connector, but features an additional 4 pin connector to accommodate the 24 pin slots.

这里还有两个变量需要考虑:主主板电源电缆和CPU电源电缆。 主板电源线有20针和24针两种。 大多数现代电源的电缆都以20针连接器端接,但具有一个额外的4针连接器以容纳24针插槽。

The CPU power cable also plugs into the motherboard, but closer to the CPU socket. Depending on the design of your CPU and its power requirements, these can come in 4 pin and 8 pin designs. Some high-performance sockets need separate 8 pin and 4 pin cables for a total of 12. Check your power supply’s specifications to see what it supports.

CPU电源线也插入主板,但更靠近CPU插槽。 根据CPU的设计及其电源要求,可以采用4引脚和8引脚设计。 某些高性能插座需要单独的8针和4针电缆,总共需要12根电缆。请检查电源的规格以了解其支持的功能。

如何只更换CPU (How to Change Out Only the CPU)

If you have an identical CPU you want to swap out in your system, or one that’s compatible with your current machine’s socket and other hardware, it’s not a huge hassle to get it out. Follow the steps below.

如果您要在系统中换出相同的CPU,或者要与当前计算机的插槽和其他硬件兼容的CPU,那么将其取出并不会造成很大的麻烦。 请按照以下步骤操作。

You’ll need a Phillips-head screwdriver and a clean, dry place to work, preferably without a carpet. If your home is particularly static-prone, . A cup or bowl is also handy for holding loose screws. You can re-use the CPU cooler from your current system or replace it with a new one, but if your new CPU doesn’t include in the package, you’ll need to get that as well. Thermal paste helps conduct heat from your CPU into the CPU cooler, and it’s a necessity.

您需要使用十字螺丝刀和干净,干燥的地方进行工作,最好没有地毯。 如果您的房屋特别容易产生静电,则 。 杯子或碗也很方便固定螺丝。 您可以从当前系统中重新使用CPU冷却器,也可以更换新的CPU冷却器,但是如果您的新CPU的包装中不包含 ,则也需要这样做。 导热膏有助于将热量从CPU传导到CPU散热器,这是必须的。

First, unplug all the power and data cables from your PC and move it to your workspace. Remove the screws holding the left-side access panel from the case—these are on the back of the machine, screwed into the edge. You can then slide the access panel off and set it aside. (If your case is a small or unusual design, consult the manual for precise instructions.)

首先,从PC拔下所有电源线和数据线,然后将其移至工作区。 从机箱上卸下固定左侧检修面板的螺钉,这些螺钉在机器的背面,拧入边缘。 然后,您可以滑下检修面板并将其放在一边。 (如果您的外壳设计很小或不寻常,请查阅手册以获取准确的说明。)

Set the PC on its side, with the motherboard facing up. You should be able to look down at the motherboard with all its various ports and connections. The CPU cooler is the large gadget with a big piece of metal (the heat sink) and one or more fans attached to it.

将PC侧放,主板朝上。 您应该能够看一下具有所有各种端口和连接方式的主板。 CPU散热器是大型设备,上面装有一块大的金属(散热器),并连接有一个或多个风扇。

You’ll need to remove the cooler before you can access the CPU. For our Intel stock cooler, this is relatively simple: we just turn the thumbscrews at all four corners, and then lift it off. This process can be complex if you’re using an aftermarket cooler, requiring adapters and some tight working.

您需要先卸下冷却器,然后才能访问CPU。 对于我们的英特尔散热器,这是相对简单的:我们只需在所有四个角转动翼形螺钉,然后将其提起即可。 如果您使用的是售后市场的散热器,则该过程可能会很复杂,需要适配器和一些紧密的工作。

Consult the manual for your cooler if it’s not obvious. More complex water-cooled systems might also require advanced techniques. You can also likely find videos on the internet of people removing and attaching the cooler you’re using. It’s worth doing a bit of research.

如果看不见冷却器,请查阅手册。 更复杂的水冷系统也可能需要先进的技术。 您也可能会在人们网上找到一些视频,这些视频中有拆下并连接正在使用的散热器的人。 值得进行一些研究。

Before you lift the cooler away, check the power cable attached to the fan. It’s probably plugged into a 4 pin power adapter, somewhere near the CPU socket. Gently pull it out, and you can then remove the entire cooler.

提起散热器之前,请检查风扇上的电源线。 它可能已插入靠近CPU插槽的4针电源适配器中。 轻轻将其拉出,然后即可卸下整个冷却器。

You’re now looking down directly at your computer’s CPU. The gelatinous stuff on top of it is the thermal paste that allows heat to efficiently transfer to the cooler. Don’t worry if it’s a little messy.

您现在正在直接看计算机的CPU。 顶部的凝胶状物质是导热膏,可将热量有效地传递到冷却器。 如果有点混乱,请不要担心。

You’ll now want to lift the retention plate off of the CPU. The method for doing this varies from socket to socket, but there’s generally a lever holding it down and/or a screw for extra security. On our Intel LGA-1151 socket, we release the lever and lift the plate.

现在,您需要将固定板提离CPU。 这样做的方法因插座而异,但通常会有一个将其压下的杠杆和/或螺钉,以提高安全性。 在我们的Intel LGA-1151插槽上,我们释放杠杆并提起板。

At this point the only thing holding the CPU in is gravity. Carefully grasp it with your finger and lift it out. Set it aside. If it’s broken and you have no use left for it, you don’t need to baby it. But if you’re hoping to use it in the future, you’ll want to clean off the thermal paste with a Q-tip and some isopropyl alcohol and put it in an anti-static bag. You’ll also want to do the same for the bottom of the heatsink you removed, if you’re planning on using it again.

此时,使CPU保持固定的唯一原因是重力。 用手指小心地抓住它并将其提出。 放在一边。 如果它损坏了,而您没用了,那就不用抱着它了。 但是,如果您希望将来使用它,则需要用Q-tip和一些异丙醇清除导热膏,然后将其放入防静电袋中。 如果您打算再次使用它,您还需要对卸下的散热器底部进行同样的操作。

Now take a look at the CPU socket on the motherboard. If there’s any thermal paste left on the socket near the electrical contact pins in the socket itself, carefully clean them with a dry cloth or a Q-tip. You’re trying to avoid getting any paste in between the CPU and those contact pins when you install the new CPU.

现在看一下主板上的CPU插槽。 如果插座本身的电触针附近的插座上残留有导热膏,请用干布或Q型尖端小心清洁。 在安装新的CPU时,您要避免在CPU和这些接触针之间粘上任何糊剂。

(If you’re upgrading to a larger CPU cooler at this point, stop. You may need to install a backplate on the opposite side of the motherboard. Consult the instructions if you’re not sure.)


Larger aftermarket CPU coolers need a support plate on the back of the motherboard.

Now remove the new CPU from its packaging. Insert it into the open CPU socket on the motherboard. Most modern CPU designs can only fit in one way—check contacts on the bottom of the CPU and the socket to make sure you’re installing it correctly. It should slide or sit in place easily, without you putting any pressure on it.

现在,从包装中取出新的CPU。 将其插入主板上打开的CPU插槽中。 大多数现代CPU设计只能以一种方式安装-检查CPU底部和插槽的触点,以确保正确安装。 它应该轻松滑动或就位,而无需施加任何压力。

When you’ve seated the CPU, lower the plate onto it, and install whatever retention method is used on the socket. Don’t force it too hard: if you feel more than a pound (half a kilogram) of force pushing back on your finger, the CPU may not be properly seated. Pull it out and try again.

将CPU固定好后,将其放下,然后在插槽上安装任何固定方法。 不要用力过大:如果感觉到手指向后推的力超过一磅(半千克),则可能未正确放置CPU。 将其拉出,然后重试。

If the cooler that came with your CPU has thermal paste pre-applied to the bottom, you’re ready to install it. If not, then squeeze about a pea-sized drop of thermal paste onto the center of the CPU from the paste tube. You don’t need a lot. It spreads out evenly when you lock the cooler into place.

如果CPU随附的冷却器底部已预涂了导热膏,则可以安装它了。 如果不是,则将大约豌豆大小的导热膏从导热膏管中挤出到CPU的中央。 您不需要很多。 当您将冷却器锁定到位时,它会均匀分布。

Thermal paste pre-applied to an Intel cooler.
Manually-applied thermal paste. Less is more.
手动涂抹导热膏。 少即是多。

Now re-install the cooler. Again, the method for doing so will vary based on the cooler design. If you’re upgrading to a newer, larger cooler, you’ll be placing it on the backing plate I mentioned earlier. If you’re replacing it with a stock cooler, just screw it down. In either case, don’t forget to plug the cooling fan in on one of the 4 pin fan plugs on the motherboard when it’s in place.

现在重新安装冷却器。 同样,这样做的方法将根据冷却器的设计而有所不同。 如果要升级到较新的较大的散热器,则将其放置在我前面提到的底板上。 如果要用库存冷却器替换它,只需将其拧紧即可。 在任何一种情况下,别忘了将冷却风扇插入到主板上的4针风扇插头之一中。

With the CPU and cooler re-installed, you’re ready to close up your PC case. Replace the access panel and screw it in on the back of the frame. Now return it to its normal spot and power it on for a test.

重新安装CPU和散热器后,您就可以关闭计算机机箱了。 装回检修面板并将其拧入框架的背面。 现在将其放回其正常位置并打开电源进行测试。

更换主板和CPU (Replacing the Motherboard And CPU)

This is the more complex operation. You’ll need to go about halfway to completely disassembling your PC to get an old motherboard out and a new one in. Set aside a couple of hours for this task if you’re generally familiar with PC hardware, and maybe a bit longer if you’re not.

这是更复杂的操作。 您需要花费大约一半的时间来完全拆卸PC,以取出旧主板并插入新主板。如果您通常熟悉PC硬件,则需要花几个小时来完成这项任务,如果您对PC硬件很熟悉,则可能要花一些时间你不是。

Also note that replacing your motherboard, especially with a different model, generally requires you to re-install your operating system and restore it. Before you begin, you’ll want to , if possible, and have installation media for your new operating system ready to go. Really, you should consider this more building a new computer and reusing old parts than simply upgrading your computer.

另请注意,更换主板(尤其是使用其他型号的主板) 通常需要您重新安装操作系统并进行还原 。 在开始之前,您将需要 (如果可能),并准备好用于新操作系统的安装介质。 确实,您应该考虑的不仅仅是构建计算机,而是建造新计算机和重用旧零件。

You’ll need the same tools as above: a Phillips-head screwdriver, a clean place to work, possibly an anti-static bracelet, and some bowls or cups to hold onto screws. Before attempting to replace the CPU cooler, make sure you have some thermal paste (or that it’s pre-applied to a new cooler).

您将需要与上述工具相同的工具:十字螺丝刀,干净的工作场所(可能是防静电手镯)以及一些碗或杯子来固定螺钉。 在尝试更换CPU散热器之前,请确保您有一些散热膏(或已预先涂在新的散热器上)。

First, unplug all the power and data cables from your PC and move it to your workspace. Remove the screws holding the left-side access panel from the case—these are on the back of the machine, screwed into the edge. You can then slide the access panel off and set it aside. (If your case is a small or unusual design, consult the manual for precise instructions.)

首先,从PC拔下所有电源线和数据线,然后将其移至工作区。 从机箱上卸下固定左侧检修面板的螺钉,这些螺钉在机器的背面,拧入边缘。 然后,您可以滑下检修面板并将其放在一边。 (如果您的外壳设计很小或不寻常,请查阅手册以获取准确的说明。)

Set the PC on its side, with the motherboard facing up. You should be able to look down at the motherboard with all its various ports and connections.

将PC侧放,主板朝上。 您应该能够看一下具有所有各种端口和连接方式的主板。

You’ll need to unplug almost everything from the motherboard to get it out of the case. If there are other components blocking physical access to it, like case fans, you’ll also have to take them out. A handy trick is to keep your phone handy and take lots of pictures: snap a photo or two with each cable and component you remove. You can refer to them later if you get confused.

您需要从主板上拔掉几乎所有的插头,才能将其取出。 如果还有其他阻止物理访问的组件(例如风扇),则还必须将它们取出。 一个方便的窍门是使您的手机方便携带并拍摄大量照片:用拆卸的每根电缆和组件拍摄一张或两张照片。 如果您感到困惑,可以稍后再参考。

We’ll start with the graphics card, if you have one. First remove the power rail from the top or side of the GPU. Then remove the screw holding it in place on the back of the case.

如果您有显卡,我们将从显卡开始。 首先从GPU的顶部或侧面卸下电源导轨。 然后卸下将其固定在机箱背面的螺钉。

Now look for a plastic tab on the PCI-Express slot on the motherboard. Pull it away from the graphics card and press down, and you should hear a “snap.” At this point you can gently pull the graphics card out and set it aside. Repeat this process for any other PCI-E expansion cards you might have.

现在,在主板的PCI-Express插槽上寻找一个塑料卡舌。 将其从图形卡中拉出并向下按,您将听到“啪”的一声。 此时,您可以轻轻地将图形卡拉出并放在一旁。 对您可能拥有的任何其他PCI-E扩展卡重复此过程。

Next, we’ll get the CPU cooler. The removal method will differ depending on what kind of cooler you’re using. Intel and AMD stock coolers can be removed simply, but larger, more elaborate air coolers and liquid coolers might need you to access the opposite side of the motherboard to remove a backing plate. If your CPU cooler is small enough that it isn’t blocking any other cables, you might be able to leave it in place.

接下来,我们将获得CPU散热器。 移除方法会因您使用的冷却器类型而异。 可以很容易地卸下Intel和AMD库存冷却器,但是更大,更精致的空气冷却器和液体冷却器可能需要您进入主板的另一侧才能卸下后挡板。 如果您的CPU散热器足够小,不会阻塞任何其他电缆,则可以将其保留在原位。

With the CPU cooler removed, it’s time to unplug the main motherboard power cable. This is the long one with 20 or 24 pins. You can leave it hanging loosely. Do the same for the 4 or 8 pin power cable near the CPU socket.

卸下CPU散热器后,该拔下主板电源线了。 这是带有20或24针的长针。 您可以将其松散悬挂。 对CPU插槽附近的4或8针电源线进行相同的操作。

Now unplug your storage and disc drives. For most recent machines, these are SATA cables. Just pull them out and leave them dangling.

现在拔下存储和磁盘驱动器。 对于最新的机器,这些是SATA电缆。 只需将它们拉出并使其悬挂即可。

Next, go for the case connections and fans. For most modern cases, this includes one or more cables going to a port marked “USB” on your motherboard, one marked “AUDIO” or “HD AUDIO,” and several small cables plugged into the input-output ports.

接下来,寻找外壳连接和风扇。 在大多数现代情况下,这包括一根或多根电缆连接到主板上标有“ USB”的端口,一根标有“ AUDIO”或“ HD AUDIO”的电缆以及几根细电缆插入输入-输出端口。

, and take a photo if you have your phone handy. Any case fans that are plugged directly into the motherboard should now be unplugged as well—they generally go into four-pin plugs around the edges.

,如果手边有手机,请拍照。 现在,将直接插入主板的所有机箱风扇也都应拔下插头-通常将其插入边缘的四针插头中。

You can leave your RAM installed at this point—it will be easier to remove it with the motherboard free. Ditto for any M.2 storage drives or expansions.

您可以此时保留RAM的安装状态-随主板免费卸下它会更容易。 同上用于任何M.2存储驱动器或扩展。

You’re almost ready to being the removal process. Make sure there aren’t any components or cables that will snag as you’re removing the large printed circuit board. If some power or data cables are in the way, you may need to unplug them as well.

您几乎已经准备好执行删除过程。 确保在卸下大型印刷电路板时没有任何会卡住的组件或电缆。 如果某些电源线或数据线阻塞,则可能也需要将其拔下。

Now, locate the screws holding the motherboard in place in the case. There are four to eight of them, depending on the size of the motherboard and the case design. They can be tricky to spot, especially if they’re dark screws and you don’t have much lighting. If you’re not sure exactly where they are, you might want to consult your motherboard’s manual.

现在,找到将主板固定在机箱中的螺钉。 其中有四到八个,具体取决于主板的大小和机箱设计。 它们可能很难发现,特别是如果它们是深色螺钉并且您没有太多照明的话。 如果不确定它们的确切位置,则可能需要查阅主板的手册。

With the retention screws removed, you can grasp the motherboard with both hands and lift it free of the case. You’ll need to pull it slightly to your right to get it clear of the I/O plate, the small piece of metal between the ports on the back of the motherboard and the plate itself. If it catches on anything, stay calm, set it down, and remove the obstruction. When you have the motherboard clear of the case, set it aside.

卸下固定螺钉后,您可以用双手抓住母板并将其提离机箱。 您需要将其稍微向右拉,以使其脱离I / O板,主板背面端口与板本身之间的一小块金属。 如果发现任何东西,请保持冷静,放下并清除障碍物。 当主板上没有机箱时,请将其放在一旁。

If you’re replacing your motherboard with a new model, pull the I/O plate out of the case. If you’re replacing it with an identical motherboard, leave it in place.

如果要用新型号替换主板,请从机箱中拉出I / O板。 如果要用相同的主板更换它,请留在原处。

If you’re re-using your current CPU, remove it from the socket with the instructions in the section above this one. If not, continue on to the next step.

如果要重新使用当前的CPU,请按照该CPU上面部分中的说明从插槽中将其卸下。 如果不是,请继续下一步。

Remove the RAM DIMMs from the motherboard. This is easy: just press down on the tabs on either side of the RAM, then pull them free of the slot. If you’re using an M.2 storage drive, remove it now—just remove the retention screw and pull it out of the slot.

从主板上卸下RAM DIMM。 这很容易:只需按下RAM两侧的卡舌,然后将它们从插槽中拉出即可。 如果您使用的是M.2存储驱动器,请立即将其卸下-只需卸下固定螺钉并将其从插槽中拉出即可。

Now switch to your new motherboard. If you’re using a CPU cooler that’s oversized and needs a backing plate, install it now while you have easy access. If not, then install your RAM into the new motherboard—either the DIMMs you just removed or the ones you’ve bought for compatibility with the new board. Re-install your M.2 drive if you’re using it.

现在切换到新主板。 如果您使用的CPU散热器过大并且需要背板,请在方便访问的同时立即安装它。 如果不是,则将RAM安装到新的主板上-刚卸下的DIMM或为与新主板兼容而购买的DIMM。 如果正在使用,请重新安装M.2驱动器。

Next comes the CPU, so remove the new one from its packaging. The exact steps differ from socket to socket, but generally there’s a tension bar that you’ll need to release, at which point you can lift the plate that holds the CPU in place.

接下来是CPU,因此请从包装中取出新的CPU。 确切的步骤因插槽而异,但是通常您需要释放一个张力杆,此时您可以抬起将CPU固定到位的板。

Insert it into the open CPU socket on the motherboard. Most modern CPU designs can only fit in one way—check contacts on the bottom of the CPU and the socket to make sure you’re installing it correctly. It should slide or sit in place with no extra pressure.

将其插入主板上打开的CPU插槽中。 大多数现代CPU设计只能以一种方式安装-检查CPU底部和插槽的触点,以确保正确安装。 它应该在没有额外压力的情况下滑动或就位。

Lower the plate onto the CPU, and install whatever retention method is used on the socket. Don’t force it too hard: if you feel more than a pound (half a kilogram) of force pushing back on your finger, the CPU may not be properly seated. Pull it out and try again.

将底板放到CPU上,然后安装插槽上使用的任何固定方法。 不要用力过大:如果感觉到手指向后推的力超过一磅(半千克),则可能未正确放置CPU。 将其拉出,然后重试。

If your CPU cooler is small enough that it won’t interfere with any screws or power rails, like most stock coolers, you can install it now to avoid the awkwardness of installing it inside the case. If thermal paste is pre-applied to the bottom of the cooler, just set it down and screw it in place. If not, put a pea-sized amount of thermal paste on the top of the CPU, then lower the cooler on top of it.

如果您的CPU冷却器足够小,不会像大多数普通冷却器那样干扰任何螺钉或电源导轨,那么现在就可以安装它,以避免将其安装在机箱内的麻烦。 如果将散热膏预先涂在冷却器的底部,只需将其放下并拧紧就位。 如果没有,请在CPU顶部放豌豆大小的导热膏,然后将冷却器放到其顶部。

Thermal paste pre-applied to an Intel cooler.
Manually-applied thermal paste. Less is more.
手动涂抹导热膏。 少即是多。

Install the cooler according to the design and the instructions. Plug the power cable for the CPU fan into an open four-pin slot on the motherboard near the CPU.

根据设计和说明安装冷却器。 将CPU风扇的电源线插入主板上靠近CPU的开放式四针插槽中。

You’re ready to re-install the new motherboard in the case. If it’s a new model, place the new I/O plate in the back of the case. It goes in with simple pressure: just stick the metal rectangle into the open slot in the case.

您已经准备好重新安装新的机箱。 如果是新型号,请将新的I / O板放在机箱的背面。 它的承受力很简单:只需将金属矩形插入外壳的开口槽中即可。

Lower the motherboard down onto the risers, the small metal pieces that accept the retention screws. You may need to adjust it a bit to fit it into the I/O plate. Make sure that there aren’t any cables hiding underneath the board as you set it into place on the risers.

将母板向下放到提升板(容纳固定螺钉的小金属片)上。 您可能需要稍作调整以使其适合I / O板。 将板安装到提升板上的位置时,请确保板上没有任何电缆隐藏。

Now replace the motherboard retention screws. Simply screw them into place, putting them through the holes in the circuit board of the motherboard and down onto the threads in the risers. They should be firmly in place, but don’t over-tighten them, or you might crack your motherboard.

现在,装回主板固定螺钉。 只需将它们拧紧就位,使其穿过母板电路板上的Kong,然后向下进入转接器中的螺纹即可。 它们应该固定到位,但不要拧得太紧,否则可能会损坏主板。

Now, simply go in reverse for the process that you performed to remove the motherboard. Replace the data and power cables in the same spots. Check them as you proceed:

现在,只需按照相反的顺序执行卸下主板的过程即可。 将数据电缆和电源电缆放在同一位置。 继续进行检查:

  • Main motherboard power cable (20 or 24 pin)

  • CPU power cable (4 or 8 pin)

  • SATA cables for hard drives, SSDs, and disc drives

  • Case cables for USB, audio, and the I/O plate

    USB,音频和I / O板的外壳电缆
  • Any case fans plugged into the 4 pin plugs on the motherboard


Replace the GPU, if you have one. Install it with the reverse process: place it back in the longest PCI-Express slot, press down, and lift the plastic tab to lock it in place. Replace the screw that holds it into the back of the case, and plug in the power rail from the power supply. Now do the same for any other expansion cards you have.

如果有,请更换GPU。 按照相反的步骤安装它:将其放回最长的PCI Express插槽中,向下按,然后提起塑料卡舌以将其锁定到位。 装回将其固定到机箱背面的螺钉,然后从电源插入电源导轨。 现在,对您拥有的任何其他扩展卡执行相同的操作。

If you haven’t already installed your CPU cooler because it’s large enough to block access to some of the motherboard slots, do so now. Follow the same steps as the external installation above, with any adaptations you may need for its specific design.

如果您尚未安装CPU散热器,因为它足够大以至于无法访问某些主板插槽,请立即执行。 遵循与上述外部安装相同的步骤,并可能需要对其特定设计进行任何修改。

If all your connections are back in place, you’re ready to close it up. Replace the access panel from the case, and screw it into place on the back of the case with its retention screws. You can now move your PC back to its normal position and power it up. If it doesn’t turn on, you’ve missed a step somewhere—double-check your connections, and make sure the switch on the back of the power supply is in the “on” position.

如果所有连接都恢复原位,则可以将其关闭。 装回机箱上的检修面板,并用固定螺钉将其固定在机箱背面。 现在,您可以将PC移回其正常位置并打开电源。 如果未打开,则说明您错过了某个步骤-请仔细检查连接,并确保电源背面的开关处于“打开”位置。

If you’ve replaced only your CPU only, you shouldn’t need to make any changes to your system. Ditto if you’ve replaced your motherboard with an identical model, though you may need to adjust the boot order in BIOS/UEFI if you’ve changed the position of your SATA data cables. If you’ve replaced your motherboard with a different model, you’ll probably need to reinstall your operating system at this point.

如果仅更换了CPU,则无需对系统进行任何更改。 如果您用相同的型号替换了主板,则同上,但是如果您更改了SATA数据电缆的位置,则可能需要在BIOS / UEFI中调整启动顺序。 如果您使用其他型号的主板更换了主板,则此时可能需要重新安装操作系统。

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